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Made possible with the Heritage FundDid you come to Wincanton’s first History Day last year? If you did then you’ll know what a great day it was. There was something for everyone, young and old. This year will be even better. The metal-detecting event is back, the transport parade even bigger than last year, the history lecture will focus on 500 years of firearms development, there will be a 1960’s classroom and the antiques experts will look at your collectables and that thing from your attic that no-one can identify, and most exciting of all a recreation of a World War One trench complete with soldiers in period dress. It’s going to be another great day!

For the full list of events, timings and locations please keep an eye on Facebook, Instagram, and the posters around the town. If you support this event, you support your town. History is an amazing thing – exploring the past can explain the present.

See You There!

Wincanton History Day 2024 is made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to stage an event deserving of this towns rich history and vibrant present and one that involves all members of the community, young and old. It’s going to be great!

A3 Programme

Click the map to enlarge

Events include:
1. Museum Opening No.5 High Street. Opened by Sarah Beeny at 10.00am
2. Metal Detecting Starts at 11.00am. Balsam Centre Garden
3. 1960s School Room. Moon Landing 1969. Open from 11.00am at Balsam Centre
4. Tea Dance Memorial Hall 1–3pm
5. The Antiques Groan Show. Have your items identified and valued by our experts, the BBC’s Richard Price and Richard Brommell of Charterhouse Auctioneers. Balsam Centre, starting at 11.00am
6. 500 Years of Firearms Development A talk by Guy Hagg. Tickets on the door. 2.00pm in the Balsam Centre
7. The Memorial Café for when you get peckish
8. Transport Parade will travel down Bayford Hill at 1.00pm and parade along the High Street (twice) before parking in the Memorial Hall Car Park
9. Schools competition entries displayed in the Balsam Centre, with winners announced at 4pm
10. Ask the Experts about genealogy, family or local history in the Balsam Centre, from 11am
11. Artisan Crafts in Coles Yard from 10.30am
12. Freemasons’ Lodge Open Day from 10am
13. World War I battlefield camp from 11am
14. Story Telling at the Seed Café
15. Cake Baking Competition winners announced at the Memorial Hall at 11am


For those of you wanting to take part in the transport parade, all we ask is that your vehicle is a classic or particularly unusual.

Gather in Bayford, on Bayford Hill facing toward Wincanton.

Drive down the High Street, bearing left onto A3081 (one way system) and take the left onto Balsam Fields (there will be a marshal directing vehicles at this turning).

Drive along Balsam Fields to the end, take a left onto Common Road, continue to the end, take a left on to High Street, and repeat!

After the second run you can park in the Memorial Hall Car Park – look out for marshals and big red “P” signs.

If you need any more information, then please call Ian on 07757 490896 or email iant@wincantonhistorysociety.com

Thank you so much for being part of Wincanton History Day!


Photography credits:

Graham Hiscock. studiohphotography.co.uk

Elmira Watts. elmirawattsfineart.com

Chris Turnbull. turnbullgrey.co.uk